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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

06:30 PM  
The Great Inskiers Potluck at Dave and Cathy's in San Mateo
Hello Inskiers
Please join your Inskier fellows on Tuesday February 21 at 6:30 PM for this months edition of The Great Inskier Potluck. This month finds us back at race Director extraordinaire Dave Baird and his lovely wife Membership Director Cathy's inviting home located in San Mateo . Dave is seeking redemption following an electrical hiccup involving troubled behemoth PG&E and his property caused a power outage hours before our November Pre Race Party leading to the party being Officially Cancelled. Of course we had the party anyway, the lights went on, a good time was had by all who showed up. But it wasn't perfect, Dave strives for perfection, remember his ribs, his last Giant Slalom race? So naturally he wants another stab at that Potluck. At Inskier Potluck Perfection! It is with that backdrop that I implore you to show up on Tuesday 2/21, freshly coiffured and ready for action! Plan some scintillating conversation beforehand, perfect crafting your delectable delicacies in advance. Bring your  "A Game", and bring a lantern or headlamp along just in case. Cathy says due to parking constraints carpooling is recommended.
According to our updated Covid policies, masks are recommended but not required for indoor events. Please stay home if you don't feel well that day. 
Suggested offerings by first name are as follows although if you have a family favorite or award winning dish by all means bring that. And bring a favorite beverage for yourself and others too if you feel so inclined. BYOB.
A-D Sides/Salads
E-L Desserts
M-Z Entrees
Let's make this one Perfect!`
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