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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

06:30 PM  
Adventure in Dining Burger IM in SM
In lieu of a potluck, I am leading an AID at Burger IM at the Laurelwood Shopping Center (1324 W Hillsdale Blvd;  92 and Hillsdale) in San Mateo. Their burgers are "upscale" ($9-$15; top quality meat) and they offer (sweet) potato fries, onion rings and really thick shakes and wine and beer. I have eaten there twice and the food was great.
There is happy hour until 6 pm if you get there early.  Our official start time, however, is 6:30  
am reserving tables Tuesday morning, so please RSVP by email to me by 8 pm Monday so I can tell the manager how many tables. I  look forward to seeing both members and their guests. 
Mary Ann McKay